The World’s First JrEg-Based Token

JregCoin 2.0 Left: 200

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What is Jreg Coin?

JREGCoin ($JREG) is the first jregtocurrency to run entirely off the JREGChain.

What is the JREGChain?

Please refer to the visual.

No further questions.


Fully Fungible

JregCoin is an entirely fungible token (FT). Unlike other tokens that only guarantee around 25% fungibility, JREgcoiN is a P4P polymer OPERA-isolated token that is 99.99% fungible.

In the spirit of jrecentralization, no entity can own a controlling stake in the coin, as no one owns any of the coin. The only way to prove ownership over the coin would be for jrEg as a centralized entity to confirm or deny the legitimacy of each coin.

Two Unique Signifiers

When you buy JregcoiN you are given two unique hashes that JrEG personally creates upon receiving your soon-to-be-worthless fiat cash. The first is a unique picture of JreG jrinning wherever jre happens to be when the order is jreceived. The second is a unique character string that will be jrenerated by jREg jragging jris jruckles across jris keyboard jrandomly

Each coin also ships with a seal of approval to guarantee authenticity.

Environmental Impact

As the unique character signifier is generated entirely by man-power, jregcoin is 100% environmentally friendly and 100% carbon neutral.

Limited Supply

There are only two hundred Jregcoin 2.0 available. Once they’re gone, they’re GONE! Until I arbitrarily decide to make MORE!

Predatory Gambling Gimmick

One in every ten of Jregcoin 2.0 will be SHINY, coming with a second unique picture of the back of jrEg’s head, as well as a unique message. Shiny JregCoins are worth many times the value of a regular JregcoIN ($0).

The Most Stablecoin

Blockchain cryptocurrency is no stranger to massive swings in value. Highs, lows, and everything in-between. JRegcoIn is designed to be the world’s most stable cryptocurrency. No more stressing about your investments—with JreGcoin, you always know what it’s worth.

The Coming Apocalypse

In the looming post-apocalyptic wasteland, there is a non-zero possibility that survivors of this new world are going to use JrEgcoIn as their currency of choice. And won’t you feel stupid then if you don’t have any?

The JregcOIn community is a community jregcOIn community communitarian values comradery companionship JregCoin community friends higher purpose 4th-level Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs subreddit discord lovers power hierarchy

The JregCoin Community

When you buy a JreGcoiN, you also buy into the jreGcoiN community.

Who is in the JregCoin community?

Just me! Just you and me. That’s a community, right? Just you and me, forever and ever? Jregcoin.